S5E6 - "Before and After' (VOY S3 E21)

The Long Awaited 6th Ep.

It's the long awaited 6th episode! In this Momento style episode, Kes is traveling back in time, but forward with memory. (does that even make sense?) Harry Kim is sorta creepy in this one! Janeway dies! no. seriously. All this and more on this weeks... TREK TO THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5A

S5E4 - "Lifesigns" (VOY S2 E19)


It's the long awaited Thanksgiving episode... a week after thanksgiving! The Holobois catch up, rate yet ANOTHER Voyager episode, double team Vorik, talk about moody Tom Paris and more on this weeks... TREK TO THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5A

S5E5 - "Prophecy" (VOY S7 E13)

Tom beats a Klingon!? They Strong!

Klingon Jesus! In this late stage Voyger episode, the Holobois get to analyze Klingon Jesus, How did Tom win against a Klingon?!, does Janeway have to give everyone permission to bone?, all this and more on this weeks episode of... TREK TO THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5A

S5E3 - "The Dauphin" (TNG S2 E10)

It's French!

ITS THE DAUPHIN! But they never say anything about a Dauphin. Wesley is Horney AF and Riker is giving orders for Picard. All this and more on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5A

S5E2 - "Shattered" (VOY S7 E11)

Marc Kills Lo'Pek!

Jan writes the descriptions but wasn't on the episode, so here's what he guesses happened: Marc brings up how Chakotay's actor is a bit problematic these days. Darius points out some pretty obvious sexism in the story (something about how it's all through the lens of a male). Dylan thinks a costume is "rad". In the episode, Paris and Kim go to a PEARL JAM concert to hang out with some grunge girls on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5A

S5E1 - "Facets" (DS9 S3 E25)

Season Premiere!

New Season! Official new co-host! New recap speed! AND it's spooky season as the holobois watch Dax "split" her former hosts into an acting exercise for the main cast. How do universal translators really work? Do people password share their holosuite subscription? Does Nog succeed in studying for his starfleet entrance exam on... THE HOLODECK?

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

S4E26 - "The Perfect Mate" (TNG S5 E21)

Season 4 Finale (Finally!)

The much anticipated finale of Season 4 packed with end-to-end disagreement and conflict! Is this episode BAD or GOOD? Is it a SNOOZER?! Who will take whose side as this full house of holobois discuss the very tense scenes between Famke Janssen and Patrick Stewart as they absoiutely 100% do not bang on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

S4E25 - The Way of the Warrior (DS9 S4 E1)

Jan is at a Human Convention

Jan is gone and things get craaaaaazy! The Way of the Warrior?... more like The Way of the... WARRIOR! Right?! The holobois chat about DS9's new intro, how awesome all of the guest stars are, and almost lose it doing improv. All this and more on this weeks... TREEEEK TO THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Marc Cooper Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

S4E24 - "Relics" (TNG S6 E4)

The Pip Industrial Complex

Captain Montgomery Scott gets beamed out of an old ship's transporter buffer to take young ensigns' jobs! The holobois go absolutely nuts in the archives as Pert, Tom Space and Lo'Pek lament how hard it is for their generation to make it in Starfleet. Plus, Scotty and Picard have a drink on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

S4E23 - "Kobayashi (PRO S1 E6)

We are all over the place here!

The holobois take on their first Prodigy episode and.… it’s good! All this and more on this weeks TREK TO THE HOLODECK!