S5E16 - HAM RADIO's Gary Joins to Break Down "The Offspring"! (TNG S3 E16)

We did it for the Lals

2 years ago

Special guest of TWI HARD and HAM RADIO podcasts GARY joins the holobois as Data goes to a space conference and comes back a father... we've all been there after a couple synthols, Mr. Data. Marc hates on Data some more while Gary is simply a gem. And a surprisingly high rating goes to this episode for its scene where Lal chooses their identity in... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen with Special Guest Gary of HAM RADIO: THE PODCAST, an Indiesaurus production Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

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