S1E2 - “Our Man Bashir” (DS9 S4 E10)

4 years ago

When a runabout gets blown up by space terrorists before the crew can fully transport to Deep Space Nine, it’s up to “Our Man Bashir” to keep their transporter patterns busy - and alive - in the holosuite. This send-up of James Bond (referencing another send-up of the superspy, Our Man Flint) is a holo-DELIGHT.

Why does the holosuite always turn off safeties when things go wrong? Which actor plays the campiest character? Why does Garak want Bashir to kill everybody?

Deep Space Nine’s least important officers discuss diplomatic mission invitations, cooking, and power coupling repairs on The Promenade.

We encourage you to watch “Our Man Bashir” from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 4, Episode 10!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen

Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue

Music by  b o d y l i n e  available onBandcamp
