S6E12 - "All in a Sea of Wonder" (LDS Comic Issue 003)

and Finally the Comic Finale

1 year ago

And Finally for the Finale of the the LDS Comic! During a long strike, the holobois are absolutely exhausted! Tom, Pert, and Michaal learn what it means to trade bodily fluids in this week’s episode of…TREK TO THE HOLODECK!!!!

WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strike Support: https://www.wgacontract2023.org https://www.sagaftrastrike.org https://entertainmentcommunity.org/am-i-eligible-help

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5
