S3E11 - "Catspaw" (TOS S2 E7)

Dylan's gone, and Darius and Jan are somehow more unhinged?

3 years ago

Dylan's still gone (this is getting spooky!) so it's up to Darius and Jan to take us on a trip to Pyris VII, where a couple of middle-aged cuttlefish aliens trying to spice up their marriage set up a haunted house for Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty and Sulu on what should have been... THE HOLODECK!

Catspaw-inspired track "powerfulsensations" by FÜÜÜT available on Bandcamp

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen

Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue

Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp
