S3E7 - "Where Silence Has Lease" (TNG S2 E2)
I Got Booted Off My Shift By a 14 Year Old
3 years ago

The Enterprise encounters a space anomaly that's totally spooky and weird, so of course they fly right into it. But that's nowhere near as tense as Picard is when he's waiting to hear from Riker and Worf as they work out in an also-spooky Klingon battle simulation on... THE HOLODECK!
In this episode we ask:
- how does Ensign Haskell feel about going through Starfleet Academy, working hard and getting to helm the Enterprise only for non-cadet Fake Ensign Crusher to take his spot?
- what does everybody do during the 20 minute self destruct sequence?
- how are Jonathan Frakes's eyes so blue?
Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen
Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue
Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp