S5E22 - "Bloodlines" (TNG S7 E22)
Finally, a Kzinti Crew Member!

Marc and Jan delete Darius and Dylan to make way for the pod's favorite Irishman, Mr. Seán Ferrick! The Enterprise-D rolls up on a mysterious probe and, as usual, it spells trouble for Picard: he's got a son?? And Season 1 sub-boss Daimon Bok wants to hold him ransom? Marc, Seán and Jan point out how many story beats in this episode echo Season 3 of Picard. You're going to LOVE Seán's Kzinti Ensign Grizo. Oh, right, Picard has a heartfelt chat with his Maybe Son Jason Vigo on... THE HOLODECK!
Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp
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