S1E8 - “Unexpected” (ENT S1 E4)

4 years ago

In this “Unexpected” holodeck episode, the NX-01 Enterprise’s Commander Tucker finds himself in intimate contact with a species named Xyrillians - and their ship is a real… “Trip.” Trip learns the hard way that what may seem a simple holographic "RIDE ON A ROWBOAT" can end up having lifelong repercussions.

This is one of two “Enterprise” episodes to ever feature the holodeck, so enjoy!

Check out Star Trek: Enterprise’s “Unexpected” - Season 1, Episode 4!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen

Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue

Music by  b o d y l i n e  available onBandcamp
