S5E25 - "The Magnificent Ferengi" (DS9 S6E10)
It's Lobe-tastic!
1 year ago

In their season 5 finale, the holobois minus Dylan watch one of the greatest episodes of Ferengi lore ever conceived. What starts as a ragtag group of scrappy Ferengi planning to thieve moogie Ishka back from the Dominion turns into a hostage negotiation with Iggy Pop's Vorta. There's an excellent training scene featuring this group of misfits failing to fight off the Jem'Hadar in... THE HOLODECK!
Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp
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