S6E9 - Looking For Pon Farr in all the Wrong Places: When Lo'Pek Met Sally Pt. 2

How many Petey's are there?!

And now for the conclusion... Will Lo'Pek go on a date with Sally Sallyfield? Will Makal and Tom fix the holodeck glitch in time? Will the Pert Method work? How many Petey's are there?! Tune in this week for the conclusion of the Holobois TTRPG adventure on... THE HOLODECK!

WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strike Support: https://www.wgacontract2023.org https://www.sagaftrastrike.org https://entertainmentcommunity.org/am-i-eligible-help

Special Guests: Evan Brandonisio, Meghan Malone, and Samuel Bellamy

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

S6E8 - Looking For Pon Farr in all the Wrong Places: When Lopek Met Sally

Enter the Holodeck 2

On this week’s episode, the Holobois continue to undercut the evil Paramount Studio and show solidarity with SAG-AFTRA & WGA Unions by playing a Star Trek TTRPG! Join Pert, Tom, Lopek, and Micaal as they attempt to pull off the perfect first date between Lopek and a human on…THE HOLODECK!!!

WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strike Support: https://www.wgacontract2023.org https://www.sagaftrastrike.org https://entertainmentcommunity.org/am-i-eligible-help

Special Guests: Evan Brandonisio, Meghan Malone, and Samuel Bellamy

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

S6E7 - "All in a Sea of Wonder" (LDS Comic Issue 001)

Were doing Comics now!

Hollywood is still on strike and so are the Holobois…but wait! Star Trek is so much more than just a TV show! So Jan, Darius, and Marc do some READING this week, to see what Mariner, Boimler, and the rest of the Cerritos Crew are up to in issue 1 of Ryan North and Chris Fenoglio’s Lower Decks Comics Series. The holodeck may not have as many failsafes as we hoped, IMAX isn’t worth it if your in the front row, and Lopek, Tom, and Micaal experiment with life in 2D on…THE HOLODECK!!!!

WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strike Support: https://www.wgacontract2023.org https://www.sagaftrastrike.org https://entertainmentcommunity.org/am-i-eligible-help

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

Tree Law

Support the WGA and SAG-AFTRA!

In a show of solidarity with WGA and SAG-AFTRA Trek to the Holodeck will refrain from doing our normal format of the podcast. In the meantime we have some strike related news and some classic Holobois LA local talk this week on ...THE HOLODECK!

WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strike Support: https://www.wgacontract2023.org https://www.sagaftrastrike.org https://entertainmentcommunity.org/am-i-eligible-help

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

S6E6 - "Identity Crisis" (TNG S4 E18)

Marc's on a Cruise!

This week Marc goes back in time to go on a cruise to ALAKSA. Meanwhile the OG3 are left to their own devices. Let's just say things get offfff track. Bits are a little to plentiful, Pert makes the same glowy body suits, and Geordi is acting like he is in college again this week on ...THE HOLODECK!

WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strike Support: https://www.wgacontract2023.org https://www.sagaftrastrike.org https://entertainmentcommunity.org/am-i-eligible-help

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

S6E5 - "Asylum" + "Let Sleeping Borg Lie" (PRO S1 E11 + S1 E12)

Did Twitter just Protostar itself?!

In continuations from last episode, the Holobois jump back into action. WE GOTTA WATCH ALL THE HOLODECK EPS OF PRODIGY BEFORE THEIR GONE! (Spoiler Alert: they are already gone) In this weeks episode the Holobois finish off watching the last 2 Holodeck episodes of the beloved Trek series, Prodigy. This week on... THE HOLODECK!

Enjoy and please sign the petition to get it back!


Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

S6E4 - "Time Amok" + "A Moral Star" (PRO S1E8 S1E10)

Paramount+ is Canceling Prodigy

The News came quick and the deletion came quicker! In the light of the news that Paramount+ was canceling Prodigy and also removing it from their streaming service, the Holobois jump into action. WE GOTTA WATCH ALL THE HOLODECK EPS BEFORE THEIR GONE! Enjoy and please sign the petition to get it back!


Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

S6E3 - "Learning Curve" (VOY S1 E16)

Did Tuvok go to far?

Tuvok is tasked with running 4 of the maquis that just joined with voyager through the equivalent of Star Fleet Bootcamp. Did he go too far? Could he have been more understanding of their situation? Is NEELIX of all people a voice of reason this week on our trek to... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

S6E2 - "Living Witness" (VOY S4 E23)

Is that Fast and Furious Franchise good?

It's the 2nd episode of the season. The Holobois DEFINITELY didn't record this episode before the first episode. This week we get to see Savage Voyager, an alien museum where they are rewriting history and the Doctor has to defend the facts. Also Marc is not a fan of the Fast and Furious Franchise and has to listen to the other 3 Holobois try and sell him on it. All this and more this week on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5

S6E1 - "Tuvix" (VOY S2 E24)

The Bois are back in town!

In their season 6 premiere, the holobois tackle the infamous Tuvix episode! Did Janway murder tuvix? What would you have done? Is Tuvix a pool shark? AND, something crazy happens in the archive! All this and more this week on our trek to ...THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by b o d y l i n e available on Bandcamp

We're a fan podcast! You can help us keep the podcast running by donating at ko-fi.com/holodeck

Join the Trek to the Holodeck Discord! https://discord.gg/YzxfCU5
