S4E13 - "Basics Part II" (VOY S3 E1)

Whoops, no Holodeck!

The Voyager crew gets marooned on a planet full of prehistoric humanoids and snake monsters. Neelix gets a dude killed because he's greedy for bones. And The Doctor manipulates the reforming serial killer Suder into killing again. Oh and... Jan really blew it when he thought this episode had any content on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

S4E12 - "Jetrel" (VOY S1 E15)

Marc's here!

It's a four-person crew as Marc joins the discussion about Space Oppenheimer and Neelix's PTSD. But really, it's all about the never-ending "Transporters are the Printers of the Future" bit. Oh, yeah, and because it's Voyager, the whole episode starts with some pool hustling on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

S4E11 - "Nothing Human" (VOY S5 E8)

Excuse me, we're on lunch...

Belanna gets a weird space alien parasite friend, so The Doctor needs some help to get it off her. Help he can only get from a hologram of a Cardassian (Nazi) doctor. Will Belanna survive? Will The Doctor perform war crimes? Also: what would it be like to retire on Voyager with nothing to do for 7 years? Find out this week on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

S4E10 - "Strange New Worlds" (SNW S1 E1)


The holobois break their incredibly important rule and rate the series premiere of, arguably, the best Trek show in years?! Star Trek is horny again! There's diplomacy! And meaningful character development! And (motivated) running in hallways! It's all so good it may not be real? it must be on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

Strange New Worlds Expectations Chat

Dylan and Darius come up with a TNG reboot movie

In today's Trek Short Dylan and Darius live watch a short preview and chat about the upcoming Strange New Worlds! There may or may not be an amazing idea for a TNG Movie that we would love to pitch to P.P.

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

S4E9 - "Distant Origin" (VOY S3 E23)


Those crazy holobois really did it. They did a live, in-person recording! It’s even mostly about Star Trek! Janeway and crew sorta kinda don’t help a dinosaur scientist (scientist who is a dinosaur) prove that space dinosaurs are from earth. Plus X great 1990s-era dino graphics on... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

S4E8 - "The Naked Time" (TOS S1 E4)

This is definitely a Star Trek Podcast

The holobois are DEFINITELY hosting a Star Trek podcast. Definitely not distracted and talking about different stuff. Jan has to explain why he chose this Original Series episode about a space virus and gets off on a technicality. Alas, the "Rec Room" isn't quite the same as... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

S4E7 - "Angel One" (TNG S1 E14)

We made it to KCRW!

The Holobois discuss their favorite NPR radio stations, They get a visit from their senior science correspondent Lodair, and talk about how Starfleet deals with stains, All this and more on this weeks...TREK TO THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Science by Lodair Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

S4E6 - "Hollow Pursuits" (TNG S3 E21)

Grunkle Stan

Marc Cooper joins again for one of the greatest episodes of character development in The Next Generation history and it's... some guy called Broccoli? His legend begins here, as he fights his personal anxieties in the form of all his superior officers on.. THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Marc Cooper, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp

S4E5 - "The Thaw" (VOY S2E23)

Darius's Assistant's Assistant Edited This One

The streak of BAD episodes is over, but unfortunately the streak of non-holodeck content continues as the holobois do one long, seemingly unbroken bit about how everybody on Voyager has an assistant. For real, though, this Felini-inspired episode SLAPS as Kim, Janeway, Torres and more get sucked into a mind-simulation that's not too far off from... THE HOLODECK!

Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp
