S3E12 - "Once Upon A Time" featuring Matt Apodaca! (VOY S5 E5)
Matt Learns What Star Trek is *Really* About
Matt Apodaca (of "How Did this Get Played?" and "Yo, Is This Racist?" podcast fame) joins the holobois to find out what Star Trek is REALLY about: chilling in forests with dudes in latex costumes! Neelix (henceforth referred to as "Neevil") avoids telling child crewmember Naomi Wildman that her mom's in trouble, but she figures it all out anyway and copes by hanging out with her photonic friends on... THE HOLODECK!
Matt also portrays "Ezra Gammon," holonovel creator and crunch-time advocate, in the Starfleet Archives.
Hosted by Darius Hamilton-Smith, Dylan Hamilton-Smith and Jan Lefrancois-Gijzen
Computer Voice provided by Verona Blue
Music by "b o d y l i n e" available on Bandcamp